
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.




Major Update

Soulver 3.13 (Mac)

This update introduces additional settings and options for further personalizing the way currencies are formatted.
For data service subscribers on the App Store (and Setapp users), there are also new improvements to the weather feature, including the ability to perform weather queries for smaller places around the world and conduct historical weather queries.
Currency Formatting
Use currency codes instead of symbols
  • In the
    settings under
    Currency Symbols
    , you can now choose to always use currency codes (like EUR) instead of currency symbols (in this case, €).
Hide trailing zeros on currencies
  • In the
    settings under
    Currency Symbols
    , you can now choose to hide trailing zeros on currencies. With this setting off (the default), $1 is rendered as $1.00. With this setting on, the trailing zeros will be hidden.
New sheet/file on launch
  • In the
    settings, you can now choose to create a new sheet or Soulver file on launch.
Tab for variable autocomplete
  • In the
    settings, you can now select Tab instead of Escape as the key that invokes variable autocomplete.
Advanced Weather (requires Setapp or data services subscription on the App Store)
Historical weather queries (macOS 15+)
  • Look up the average, high, and low temperatures, as well as rainfall, in a place on a particular date.
  • Data is available back to August 1, 2021.
Historical averages by month (macOS 15+)
  • Perform weather queries for the average high/low temperatures and rainfall in a place in a given month.
  • For example, "high in New York in June."
  • Note that these are historical averages based on weather records going back to the 1970s (not maximum/minimums).
Weather & time zone queries for small places
  • Soulver can already perform weather and time zone queries for approximately 500 of the largest cities on Earth.
  • New in this update is the ability to look up weather for any place on Earth, including smaller places.
  • For example, you can now type "weather in Ubud, Bali," or "temperature in Assisi, Tuscany."
  • This feature also works for time zone queries using "time in (place)": "time in Inverness, Scotland," "time in Wollongong, NSW."
  • And when working out time differences: "time difference between Kemer, Turkey, and Mill Valley, Marin County."
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where a zero currency (like $0) could have unnecessary decimal places with certain decimal point settings (thanks, Nevan).
  • Fixed an issue where subtotals were not respecting custom currency formatting settings (thanks Anssi).
  • Fixed an issue with larger/smaller functions and negative currencies (thanks Ian).
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 3.12 where certain variable lines needed to be manually edited to make them update (thanks Suvil & Andy).
  • Fixed an issue in the Setapp version on macOS 15 where Soulver would unnecessarily prompt for access to "data from other apps" when opening Soulver Mini.
Mac (App Store)
  • New purchase history window to see which Soulver products you have purchased
  • Support for changing Apple Accounts & retaining purchases
  • Fixed an issue with a purchase sometimes not being recognized after an update
  • Localization improvements
  • Fixed a crash when opening the getting started guide



Minor Update

Soulver 3.12

Support for latest operating systems
This release adds support for the latest versions of Apple's operating systems:
  • macOS 15 (Sequoia)
  • iPadOS 18
  • iOS 18
What's new for iOS?
  • Added support for the new iPhone 16 Pro screen sizes.
  • The title of the current sheet will be displayed in the navigation bar (if it has one)
  • Note that a "title" in Soulver refers to when you begin a sheet with a "#"
Quick actions
  • Tap the answer of the line you're editing to quickly copy it to the clipboard
  • Tap an empty line to quickly make a subtotal of lines above on that line
Currency Keyboard
  • You can now pin select currencies to the start of the list (hold down on the currency code button, and choose "Pin" or "Unpin")
  • PDF is now the default file format for sharing a sheet.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the "( )" button would not wrap a text selection in brackets (thanks Evgeny)
What's new for macOS?
Quick Copy Action
  • Double-click the answer of the line you're editing to copy it to the clipboard
  • Hold down option and double-click an answer of another line to quickly copy to the clipboard
  • The default action for double-clicking other answers continues to be inserting a reference to the answer
Quick Add Subtotal Action
  • Double-click an empty line to quickly make a subtotal on this line
Alfred Workflow
  • The Soulver Alfred workflow has been updated (v1.5) and now lets you specify the trigger keyword (previous versions used "u").
  • A bug introduced in the last update of the Soulver CLI has been fixed that prevented the Alfred workflow from working correctly with the Setapp & Mac App Store versions.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue with scrubbing negatively from $0 (thanks James)
What's new in the Soulver calculator?
Units & Conversions
  • Added cubic micrometer & square nanometer units
  • Support for conversion from & into imperial volume units explicitly, like "1 liter in imperial pints"
  • Added support for unit expressions with a fractional value, like "1 1/2 pounds"
  • More flexible unit conversion for ostensibly incompatible units: "3 mph to minutes" (convert to miles/minute), "10 cubic centimeters to meters" (convert to cubic meters)
  • Support for automatic conversion of units without explicit value: "usd eur" will be interpreted as "1 usd in eur"
  • Units in rates will now be preserved rather than cancelling out when converting to an alternative form: "8g/2 lb as grams/lb (= 4 g/lb)"
Stock Tickers
  • Added Nvidia (NVDA) as a built-in stock ticker (along with the existing support for the tickers of Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Meta, Tesla, AirBnB, & Netflix)
  • Switched to using "POL" as the symbol for the Polygon token (previously "MATIC")
Time zones
  • Support for "ct" (central time), "pt" (pacific time), "mt" (mountain time) and "et" (eastern time)
  • When starting a new line with an operator (±) inside a subtotal, Soulver will no longer insert the previous line as a reference. This is helpful for doing running subtotals.
Financial functions
You can now work out compound interest compounding monthly and quarterly:
  • "interest on $100 after 3 years at 10% compounding monthly"
  • "interest on $100 for 3 years at 10% compounding quarterly"
  • Support for larger inputs to combination and permutation functions
  • Support for min/max functions with percentages (thanks Eemil)
  • Power phrase function: "3 to the power of 9", "2 exponent 4", "4 raised to 2"
  • Added additional trigonometry functions that take their parameter in degrees: "asind", "acosd", "atand" and "tand"
  • Support for full width parenthesis characters ( commonly used in China, Korea & Japan)
Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue where "1.003.020" was incorrectly being interpreted as a date (thanks @infolinux)
  • Fixed an issue with summing multiple decimal rates in the quick total or subtotals (like 3.4/day, 5.9/day, etc) (thanks Devin)
  • Fixed an issue with certain unit multiplications not returning in the most ideal form: "3 min × 15 mph" now returns "0.75 mi" rather than 1,207 m
  • Fixed an issue with feet units that are written with a trailing apostrophe, like 30.334'


Major Minor Update

Soulver 3.11.3

Soulver Studio
  • Turn sheets into stand-alone Mac apps that can be shared with others (compatible with macOS 12+)
  • Select a sheet, go to the "Sheet" menu and choose "Build App from Sheet"
  • Choose from 7 fun icon colors
App creation details
  • Mac apps built from sheets are sandboxed for security and sent to Apple for "notarization"
  • Notarization is a process that makes an app Gatekeeper compatible, so they can be installed on other Macs
  • This process generally takes less than 5 minutes
  • Apple restricts us to building 75 apps per day this way. You might find the service is unavailable for a time if we run out of capacity



Major Minor Update

Soulver 3.11.2

Calculation Engine
Bitwise Operators
Support for bitwise operators, including:
  • Bitwise AND (&), bitwise OR (|), bitwise XOR (xor)
  • Bitwise left shift (<<) and bitwise right shift (>>)
Permutations & Combinations
  • "10 permutation 3" (= 720)
  • "25 combination 3" (= 2,300)
Or, alternatively, use a clearer syntax:
  • "3 permutations of 10 (= 720)
  • "3 combinations of 25" (= 2,300)
Financial Functions
  • Added a compound interest function that gets just the interest earned (without the principal), i.e.:
  • "interest on $35k after 3 years at 4.5%" (= $4,941)
  • Support for "Gwei" and "Wei" (sub-dominations of Ethereum)
Number pad (iPhone)
  • Added ETH, BNB and SOL as popup options on the BTC button (thanks John)
  • You can now quickly convert a currency result on a new line: add a new line (after a line with a currency result), then tap a currency code. This will insert a reference to the previous line, and conversion to the inserted currency.
  • Operators & return/delete keys in the number pad are now visible to VoiceOver (thanks Scott)
Sheet settings (iPhone & iPad)
  • Added a setting to control what happens on app launch: either open the previous sheet, or create a new sheet on launch (but only after 5 minutes of inactivity)
  • Added a sync troubleshooting section: this includes a button to manually reload your sheetbook file (rarely required, but can be helpful sometimes)
  • Minor layout improvements to the sheet settings pane
Bug fixes (Calculation Engine)
  • Fixed an issue where certain date interval phrasings could cause a crash
  • Fixed an issue with 0.9M being incorrectly formatted by the thousands separator insertion feature (thanks Matteo)
  • Fixed an issue with dash separated dates (like 04-05-2020) incorrectly having spaces inserted around the dashes while typing (thanks Dr. Dishant)
Bug fixes (Mac)
  • Made it clearer that the Monospaced System Font option only applies to digits (thanks John)
  • Fixed an issue with the delete button in the sheet view not during mouse movement after cancelling a drag (thanks Jasper)
  • Fixed an issue with the syntax coloring of variable declarations on subtotal lines in HTML/PDF output (thanks Jason)
Bug fixes (iPhone & iPad)
  • Copying & pasting lines that contain line references now works correctly (thanks Tony)
  • Fixed an issue with opening .slvr files from the Files app not working correctly on iPhone (thanks Alexander)



Minor Update

Soulver 3.11.1

Minor improvements (iPhone & iPad)
  • Added a contextual menu (via a long press) on answer tokens to turn them into plain text, or show the line they reference
  • When importing Soulver 2 files (.soulver), the file name is no longer automatically inserted as the sheet heading (#) if the file is named Draft or Untitled
  • Soulver longer automatically shows the keyboard on iPhone when switching to another sheet (this behavior matches the Notes app)
  • Improved the Soulver launch screen
Bug fixes (iPhone & iPad)
  • Fixed an issue where some users were not able to get past the launch screen due to iCloud hanging while downloading an existing sheetbook onto your device when requested
  • Fixed a crash on iPhone when showing the custom keyboard editor while editing an external sheet (.slvr)
  • Fixed an issue where the open sheet URL action was only cosmetically selecting the requested sheet
  • Fixed a bug with the "New Sheet" home screen action (on iPad) not working when the app had not yet been launched



Soulver 3.11

Soulver 3 is now available for iPhone.
Availability & Pricing
  • Soulver 3 for iOS is available on the App Store. It's just $14 (or complementary for our Setapp users).
  • It's still a one time purchase (separate from Mac & iPad versions), and family sharing is included
  • This is the first paid update to Soulver on iOS since the original Soulver for iOS in 2009 (which received more than 10 years of updates & support)
Number pad
  • We've designed a wonderful number pad make doing calculations on-the-go fast
  • Switch between the system keyboard and the number pad with a conveniently located switch at the bottom of the keyboard
  • It comes with a number of accessory keyboards across the top that you can choose from for your particular calculations
  • The number pad is supported on all iPhones with a rounded display (all iOS 16 supporting iPhones except the iPhone SE)
  • You can disable the number pad in the settings if you require
Additional options on keys via popups
  • Many keys have additional options available on a popup menu. Press down on a key for a second to see additional options
  • For example, the "0" key offers "k", "M", and "G" number scalars
  • For example the "." key offers headings "# " and comment "// " characters. The ABC keyboard will be selected automatically for you to type your heading or comment.
  • Hold down on the delete key and slide your finger left to delete the current line or clear the entire sheet
Currency accessory keyboard
  • Always shows your home currency & the currency of your current location (based on your timezone, not your GPS location)
  • This is helpful for quickly converting back to your home currency when travelling.
Variable accessory keyboard
  • Shows any global & local variables in your sheet (this saves you typing out the whole variable name every time you want to reference it).
Custom accessory keyboard
  • Design your own custom accessory keyboard with whatever functions & phrases you find yourself using most commonly
Sheet management (iPad & iPhone)
  • Compact sheet view mode
  • A contextual command to move a sheet into a folder (like the Notes app). Previously only drag-and-drop moving was supported
Lots of other little touches
  • Check out the Tips & Tricks to learn about some handy hidden features, including a gesture for answer column resizing, quick subtotal creation, and quickly switching between keyboards



Major Minor Update

Soulver 3.10.3

Soulver now requires macOS 12 Monterey or higher
CSS Units
  • CSS units (em, rem & px) will now always be formatted without spaces and using a standard US decimal character (.) so they can be immediately pasted into CSS files
Volume units
  • Added slightly more accuracy to volume & substance calculations in certain cases
  • Rates of liters/meters^2 are now resolved to a unit of meters
Natural language functions
  • You can now use "@" as a synonym for "at" in natural language phrases, like in compound interest "$5k after 3 years @ 7.5%" (= ($6,211))
  • Support for "if x then…" in addition to if x == true then…", where x is a boolean
  • Fixed a bug where natural language functions were not working in the "then" position in conditionals (thanks Ian)
  • Added timezones for French territories: Mauritius, French Guiana, Martinique, La Réunion, & Guadeloupe
  • Support for specifying the value of a unit using a function, like "sin(30) radians", or "abs(-40) meters"
Line references
  • Support for adding a SI scalar to a line reference, for example "[123]k EUR", where [123] is a token reference to a previous line
  • Support for "dec" as a shorthand for "decimal", like "0x123 to dec" (thanks Nasco)
Calendar calculations
  • The "days left in 2024" function now returns a whole number of days (rather than fractional)
  • Support for converting timespans into "months and days"
  • Diacritics are now ignored in unit and function names in the Spanish localization (use either "días" or "dias" for example) (thanks Carlos)
Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the log() function was not working with hex and binary numbers (thanks Emile)
  • Fixed a very obscure bug where Soulver could use excessive CPU in the background when a list of fractions similar to dates was present in a heading comment in a US locale (thanks Jon)
  • Fixed a hang when performing lcm with a list of numbers that included 0 (thanks Daniel)
  • Fixed a bug where a line reference could lose its referent when deleting multiple lines above its referent's line
  • "tonne" now maps to metric ton, rather than short tons.
  • Fixed a few bugs that popped up in 3.10.1 (thanks Andre, Rob & Guillermo for the speedy reports)



Major Minor Update

Soulver 3.10.1

Pounds & Ounces
  • Added support for "pounds & ounces" as a composite result format. This will be the new default for expressions using pounds (lb), such as "13.5 lb" (= 13 lb 8 oz)
  • Pounds & ounces conversions can manually be done using the converter "in pounds & ounces" or "in lb oz"
  • You can still use "in lb/pounds" to express the result as decimal pounds.
Date & Time Zone Calculations
  • Added support for interval calculations involving years and formats like "1953 − today"
  • Added support for dates in the format "13 March 23" (Year assumed to be 23 here)
  • Added support for time zone calculations in the "time in Copenhagen 3 hours (from now/ago)" format
  • Support for double unit timespans like "in minutes and seconds", "in hours and minutes" and so on
  • Soulver uses timespans more frequently in operations on single quantities of time. For example, "25 min / 12" = (2 min 5 seconds), "1h20m + 45m" = (2 hours 5 mins)
  • When "as timespan" is explicitly specified for the result of a date interval calculation, fixed time units are used, not variable ones
  • Added "time span" as an alternate expression for "timespan"
Number Formatting
  • Numbers in SI notation will now conform to your decimal point settings. Formerly, they were formatted to 3 dp regardless
  • Added support for SI symbols (k, M, G) to line references
  • Crypto currencies will no longer round to two decimal places by default.
  • Added support for expressions inside parentheses in lists like "max (100 * 2) 50 100" (= 200)
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with single letters not acting as custom prefix currency symbols, such as R100 for South African Rand (thanks to Hein)
  • Fixed an issue where custom currency symbols were not applied without a further application restart after changing your number format
  • Fixed an issue where a single currency symbol in parentheses was interpreted as a comment, such as ($100) (thanks to Andre)
  • Fixed an issue where a short month name in parentheses could cause a comment not to be correctly recognised (thanks to Markus & Nigameash).
  • Fixed a problem with raising volume units to the power of a third (thanks to Daniel)
  • If multiple variables shared the same name, only one was included in the quick total. This issue has now been fixed (thanks TJ)
  • Fixed an issue with "February 29" without a year component not being recognized as a valid date (😪, thanks Patrick)
  • Fixed an issue with defining the decimal point of several lines with variable dependencies
  • Fixed an issue related to a peculiar symbol that could cause the application to crash when pasted (thanks to Jason)
  • Fixed an issue that caused a crash when executing
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