Conversion of color values
under review
Carsten Schlegel
Simple was the hex code as 0x00A03B, this is already possible. the #rrggbb variant would be nice.
And conversion to color values
as RGB -> 0, 160, 59
as RGB1 -> 0, 0.6274509804, 0.231372549
as RED -> 0
as GREEN -> 160
as BLUE -> 59
as BLUE1 -> 0.231372549
as HEX -> A03B
as HEX3 -> 00A03B
as COLOR -> #00A03B
Some Color-Names where be nice too:
#red like #FF0000
#green like #00FF00
and so on
as COLOR -> #FF000
as COLORNAME -> #red (if equal to a Color-Name Value, if not the #rrggbb used)
Zac @ Soulver
under review
It's a fair request Wim, but I have to say the color conversion features of Raycast ( are already really useful in this regard.
Wim Wepster
Zac @ Soulver: I’m not familiar with Raycast. Would you advise I use that instead of Soulver?
Zac @ Soulver
Wim Wepster: For color conversion features specifically, I can recommend it as a great tool