Running subtotals
under review
Keith Thompson
Currently, if I have two line items with a value of $200 each and add a subtotal line, I get $400. If I then add a line below the subtotal with a value of $200 and then another subtotal line, I get $200. Please add a feature that will give running subtotals. In other words, the second subtotal would be $600. Much more useful when using Soulver for a running monthly budget.
Zac @ Soulver
under review
Interesting request, thanks Keith. Note that you can select the subtotals in the answer column, if you want to get a quick sum of them.
Zac @ Soulver
I'm experimenting with a running totals feature, but I'm wondering whether it would make more sense to have subtotals to be immune from the running subtotal, so you can see exactly how much each section contributes.