Can there be subscript/superscript support? Maybe something like:
a_0 » a₀
a_n » aₙ
a^2 » a²
a^n » aⁿ
In the case of exponents becoming superscript, this can be an option, and you could maybe have the "subscript character" be something other than "_" to avoid potential issues with variable names.
But with the addition of subscript, I feel it could lead the way to adding support for defining arithmetic/geometric sequences. (and maybe other functions in future?)
Example of a sequence:
aₙ = a₁ + 5n, a₁ = 3 |
a₁ | 3
a₄ | 23
a₄ == 3 + (5 * 4) | true
If you want to define a range where the sequence works, you could do something like desmos:
aₙ = a₁ + 5n, a₁ = 3 {1 <= n <= 5} |
a₁ | 3
a₄ | 23
a₄ == 3 + (5 * 4) | true
a₀ | RangeError
a₅ | 28
a₆ | RangeError
// some error thrown saying n is outside designated valid range
The "item position" in a sequence ("n" in the above examples) can only be an integer, so an error could be thrown there too:
aₙ = a₁ + 5n, a₁ = 3 {1 <= n <= 5} |
a₁ | 3
a₄ | 23
a₄ == 3 + (5 * 4) | true
a_3.5 | ValueError
// pretend the 3.5 is subscript, as it would be from above.